“If you have an idea for an event, let us support you to plan and execute it”
Contact Ang to discuss your event ideas
Phone: 0447 54 34 34
Email: @justlikehome.com.au
Events can assist any person to envision, plan and deliver any event.
With a great team of experienced event planners and logistics experts, we can help you come up with ideas, refine them, and plan your all-access tailor-made event.
As with all Just Like Home services, we are here to support you. We are here to bring your vision into reality, not impose our vision on you.
If you have an event idea which will support your goals in life, as well as offer opportunities for your peers and community to participate and enjoy themselves, Events can help your dream become reality.
We help you by:
Developing your ideas for the type of event you would like to explore, from a simple backyard party to a big public event
Tailoring our level of support so that you are able to expand your skills around organising and coordinating in a safe and supported way
Making connections to relevant parties, so you will be building confidence to plan another event in the future, with more independence each time.