“We’ll be with you on your journey to finding and keeping employment that suits you and gives you the life you want to live”
Contact Ang to start your journey to employment
Phone: 0447 54 34 34
Email: ang@justlikehome.com.au
Work focuses on your experiences and works closely with you to tailor what you want to learn and develop a way for you to learn in a way that best suits you. We do this in two ways.
First, Work provides SLES supports to students transitioning from school to work during the final months of school until they are settled in a job.
Secondly, Work can also help assess your working capacity. We can work with you to increase your capacity or adjust to a lower capacity.
Our counsellor and mentors are focused on providing a personalised service which suits your needs and which clearly addresses your goals, whatever they may be, in relation to your work.
We will help you to:
Explore what your passions and strengths are, and how that can be used in a working role - so you get paid for doing what you enjoy
Make connections with employers so you will go into workplaces with the support you need to develop and grow your skills as a worker
Build the skills you will need to be successful at gaining and maintaining work in the long term, leading to more confidence, connections and earning a living wage
Engage you with a range of meaningful work experience opportunities so you can test your skills and resilience in a real workplace environment.
When you start work we can help connect you to specialist services that can provide ongoing support until you are feeling more confident so you can be more independent.