“We will listen to your story and walk beside you in your journey to achieve greater health and wellbeing”
Contact Ang to talk through your needs
Phone: 0447 54 34 34
Email: ang@justlikehome.com.au
Recovery uses a collaborative approach for people with a psychosocial disability to enjoy a more full life. This is available 7 days a week to transition participants from in-patient care and other settings back into the community.
Through respectful relationships, we define and recognise strengths and build upon them, whilst developing resilience.
Recovery works in partnership with participants, families, carers and other supports to develop individualised recovery plans to achieve your goals.
We will help you:
Build a positive support network throughout your life to help the ups and downs be less extreme.
Empower you to pursue your dreams and ambitions in a safe and supported way, so you can live the way you want
By providing a sounding board for some of your concerns, thoughts or goals, to help with making plans that are achievable and going to enrich your life